The Hawke Papers
A Victorian Murder Mystery

"A tentative audience morphed into vocal, argumentative interrogators”
Three Weeks
The Hawke Papers at the Edinburgh Fringe
Dr Marcus Hawke has been found dead.
Professional help urgently required.
The Hawke Papers was Produced Moon's first venture as a theatre company which saw an incredible sell out run at the Fringe, 2013. With audience members having to beg, borrow or steal a ticket to get to see this performance, Produced Moon delivered an incredible premier production, both as a company and as a performance. Short listed as one of Edinburgh's top 50 things to see at the Fringe, The Hawke Papers saw its audience members take on the role of detective in a Victorian murder mystery, interrogating characters, searching the space, accusing those they suspected and ultimately sentencing them.
"A young company with clear potential."
All Edinburgh Theatre

Devised by Produced Moon
Director: Leonie Rae Gasson
Creative Producer: Melanie Phillips
Creative Producer: Fred Fergus
Production Manager: Harriet Bolwell
Director of Photography: Jamie Scott
Designer: Oliver MacMahon
Designer: Ria Edmenson
Eleanor Spring
Sarah Kate Howarth
Melanie Phillips
Lawrence Motherwell
Fred Fergus
David Bernhard
Jack Kinross
John Faulds
Greg Lass (First Week)